Publications / Final version / ER2000.bib
(	Atze:P:1995:Lattice,
	AUTHOR = "Atzeni, Paolo and Torlone, Riccardo",
	TITLE = "Schema translation between heterogeneous data models in a lattice framework",
	BOOKTITLE = "Database Applications Semantics, Proceedings of the Sixth IFIP TC-2 Working Conference on Data Semantics (DS-6)",
	YEAR = "1995",
	EDITOR = "Meersman, Robert and Mark, Leo",
	PAGES = "345--361",
	ADDRESS = "Stone Mountain, Atlanta, Georgia",
	MONTH = may # "~30--" # jun # "~2",
	PUBLISHER = "Chapman \& Hall",
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Atze:P:1996:EDBT,
	AUTHOR = "Atzeni, Paolo and Torlone, Riccardo",
	TITLE = "Management of multiple models in an extensible database design tool",
	BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT'96)",
	YEAR = "1996",
	EDITOR = "Apers, P. and Bouzeghoub, M. and Gardarin, G.",
	VOLUME = "1057",
	SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
	PAGES = "79--95",
	ADDRESS = "Avignon, France",
	MONTH = mar # "~25--29",
	PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Atze:P:1997:MDM,
	AUTHOR = "Atzeni, Paolo and Torlone, Riccardo",
	TITLE = "{MDM: A} multiple-data-model tool for the management of heterogeneous database schemes",
	BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the SIGMOD 1997 International Conference on the Management of Data",
	YEAR = "1997",
	EDITOR = "Peckman, Joan M.",
	PAGES = "528--531",
	ADDRESS = "Tucson, Arizona",
	MONTH = may # "~13--15",
	ORGANIZATION = "Association for Computing Machinery",
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Brie:SM:1992,
	AUTHOR = "Brien, S. M. and Nicholls, J. E.",
	TITLE = "Z Base Standard",
	INSTITUTION = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory",
	YEAR = "1992",
	TYPE = "Technical monograph",
	NUMBER = "PRG-107",
	ADDRESS = "Oxford, UK",
	MONTH = "nov",
	URL = "\url+<>+; \url+<>+" 

(	Brow:MH:1992:Zeus,
	AUTHOR = "Brown, Marc H.",
	TITLE = "Zeus: {A} system for algorithm animation and multi-view editing",
	INSTITUTION = "Systems Research Center, Digital Equipment Corporation",
	YEAR = "1992",
	TYPE = "Research Report",
	NUMBER = "75",
	ADDRESS = "Palo Alto, California",
	MONTH = "28~" # feb,
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Catt:RGG:2000:ODMG3,
	AUTHOR = "Cattell, R.G.G. and Barry, Douglas K. and Berler, Mark and Eastman, Jeff and Jordan, David and Russell, Craig and Schadow, Olaf and Stanienda, Torsten and Velez, Fernando",
	TITLE = "The Object Data Standard: {ODMG 3.0}",
	PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann",
	YEAR = "2000",
	ADDRESS = "San Francisco, California"

(	Chec:PB:1981:SSM,
	AUTHOR = "Checkland, P.B.",
	TITLE = "Systems Thinking, Systems Practice",
	PUBLISHER = "John Wiley \& Sons",
	YEAR = "1981",
	ADDRESS = "Chichester, England"

(	Chen:PP:1976,
	AUTHOR = "Chen, Peter Pin-Shan",
	TITLE = "{The} entity-relationship model --- {Toward} a unified view of data",
	JOURNAL = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems",
	VOLUME = "1",
	NUMBER = "1",
	PAGES = "9--36",
	YEAR = "1976"

(	Codd:EF:1970,
	AUTHOR = "Codd, E.F.",
	TITLE = "A relational model of data for large shared data banks",
	JOURNAL = "Communications of the ACM",
	YEAR = "1970",
	VOLUME = "13",
	NUMBER = "6"

(	Dark:P:1994:WP21/94,
	AUTHOR = "Darke, Peta and Shanks, Graeme",
	TITLE = "Viewpoint developments for requirements definition: {An} analysis of concepts, issues and approaches",
	INSTITUTION = "Department of Information Systems, Monash University",
	YEAR = "1994",
	TYPE = "Working Paper",
	NUMBER = "21/94",
	ADDRESS = "Melbourne, Australia",
	MONTH = dec

(	Dark:P:1995,
	AUTHOR = "Darke, Peta and Shanks, Graeme",
	TITLE = "Viewpoint development for requirements definition: {Towards} a conceptual framework",
	BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS'95)",
	YEAR = "1995",
	PAGES = "277--288",
	ADDRESS = "Perth, Australia",
	MONTH = sep # "~26--29"

(	Dark:P:1996:RE,
	AUTHOR = "Darke, Peta and Shanks, Graeme",
	TITLE = "Stakeholder viewpoints in requirements definition: {A} framework for understanding viewpoint development approaches",
	JOURNAL = "Requirements Engineering",
	YEAR = "1996",
	VOLUME = "1",
	PAGES = "88--105"

(	Date:CJ:2000:IDS,
	AUTHOR = "Date, C.J.",
	TITLE = "An Introduction to Database Systems",
	PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley",
	YEAR = "2000",
	ADDRESS = "Reading, Massachusetts",
	EDITION = "Seventh"

(	Date:CJ:1997:SQL,
	AUTHOR = "Date, C.J. and Darwen, Hugh",
	TITLE = "A Guide to the SQL Standard",
	PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley",
	YEAR = "1997",
	ADDRESS = "Reading, Massachusetts",
	EDITION = "Fourth"

(	East:SM:1991:PhD,
	AUTHOR = "Easterbrook, Steve M.",
	TITLE = "Elicitation of Requirements from Multiple Perspectives",
	SCHOOL = "Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, University of London",
	YEAR = "1991",
	TYPE = "{PhD} thesis",
	ADDRESS = "London",
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	East:SM:1996,
	AUTHOR = "Easterbrook, Steve M. and Nuseibeh, Bashar A.",
	TITLE = "Using {ViewPoints} for inconsistency management",
	JOURNAL = "Software Engineering Journal",
	YEAR = "1996",
	VOLUME = "11",
	NUMBER = "1",
	PAGES = "31--43",
	URL = "\url+<>+; \url+<>+" 

(	Fink:ACW:1989,
	AUTHOR = "Finkelstein, A.C.W. and Goedicke, M. and Kramer, J. and Niskier, C.",
	TITLE = "{ViewPoint} oriented software development: {Methods} and viewpoints in requirements engineering",
	BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Second Meteor Workshop on Methods for Formal Specification",
	YEAR = "1989",
	EDITOR = "Bergstra, J.A. and Feijs, L.M.G.",
	VOLUME = "490",
	SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
	PAGES = "29--54",
	ADDRESS = "Mierlo, The Netherlands",
	MONTH = sep,
	PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag"

(	Gane:C:1979,
	AUTHOR = "Gane, C. and Sarson, T.",
	TITLE = "Structured Systems Analysis: Tools and Techniques",
	PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall",
	YEAR = "1979",
	SERIES = "Prentice-Hall Software Series",
	ADDRESS = "Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey"

(	Gree:S:1994:RML,
	AUTHOR = "Greenspan, S. and Mylopoulos, J. and Borgida, A.",
	TITLE = "On formal requirements modeling languages: {RML} revisited",
	BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering",
	YEAR = "1994",
	EDITOR = "Fadini, Bruno",
	PAGES = "135--148",
	ADDRESS = "Sorrento, Italy",
	MONTH = may,
	PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society Press"

(	Grun:JC:1993:PhD,
	AUTHOR = "Grundy, John C.",
	TITLE = "Multiple Textual and Graphical Views for Interactive Software Development Environments",
	SCHOOL = "Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland",
	YEAR = "1993",
	TYPE = "{PhD} thesis",
	ADDRESS = "Auckland, New Zealand",
	MONTH = jun,
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Grun:JC:1995:CAiSE,
	AUTHOR = "Grundy, John C. and Venable, John R.",
	TITLE = "Providing integrated support for multiple development notations",
	BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'95)",
	YEAR = "1995",
	VOLUME = "932",
	SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
	PAGES = "255--268",
	ADDRESS = "Finland",
	MONTH = jun,
	PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Grun:JC:1996:SPE,
	AUTHOR = "Grundy, John C. and Hosking, John G. and Mugridge, Warwick B.",
	TITLE = "Supporting flexible consistency management via discrete change description propagation",
	JOURNAL = "Software --- Practice and Experience",
	YEAR = "1996",
	VOLUME = "26",
	NUMBER = "9",
	PAGES = "1053--1083",
	MONTH = sep,
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Grun:JC:1997:IJAST,
	AUTHOR = "Grundy, John C. and Hosking, John G.",
	TITLE = "Constructing integrated software development environments with {MViews}",
	JOURNAL = "International Journal of Applied Software Technology",
	YEAR = "1997",
	VOLUME = "2",
	NUMBER = "3/4",
	PAGES = "133--160" 

(	Hosk:JG:1995:NZCS,
	AUTHOR = "Hosking, John G. and Mugridge, Warwick and Amor, Robert and Grundy, John",
	TITLE = "Keeping things consistent",
	JOURNAL = "New Zealand Journal of Computing",
	YEAR = "1995",
	VOLUME = "6",
	NUMBER = "1",
	PAGES = "353--362",
	MONTH = aug,
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Hsia:P:1994:Scenario,
	AUTHOR = "Hsia, P. and Samuel, J. and Gao, J. and Kung, D. and Toyoshima, Y. and Chen, C.",
	TITLE = "Formal approach to scenario analysis",
	JOURNAL = "IEEE Software",
	YEAR = "1994",
	VOLUME = "11",
	NUMBER = "2",
	PAGES = "33--41",
	MONTH = mar

(	Hull:R:1987,
	AUTHOR = "Hull, Richard and King, Roger",
	TITLE = "Semantic database modeling: {Survey}, applications, and research issues",
	JOURNAL = "ACM Computing Surveys",
	YEAR = "1987",
	VOLUME = "19",
	NUMBER = "3",
	PAGES = "201--260"

(	Jaco:DA:1995:MultiView,
	AUTHOR = "Jacobs, D.A. and Marlin, C.D.",
	TITLE = "Software process representation to support multiple views",
	JOURNAL = "International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering",
	YEAR = "1995",
	VOLUME = "5",
	NUMBER = "4",
	MONTH = dec

(	Koto:G:1996,
	AUTHOR = "Kotonya, Gerald and Sommerville, Ian",
	TITLE = "Requirements engineering with viewpoints",
	JOURNAL = "Software Engineering Journal",
	YEAR = "1996",
	VOLUME = "11",
	NUMBER = "1",
	PAGES = "5--18"

(	Mart:J:1990:IE2,
	AUTHOR = "Martin, James",
	TITLE = "Information Engineering, Book {II}: Planning and Analysis",
	PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall",
	YEAR = "1990",
	ADDRESS = "Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey",
	EDITION = "revised"

(	Meye:S:1991:IEEE,
	AUTHOR = "Meyers, S.",
	TITLE = "Difficulties in integrating multiview environments",
	JOURNAL = "IEEE Software",
	YEAR = "1991",
	VOLUME = "8",
	NUMBER = "1",
	PAGES = "49--57",
	MONTH = jan

(	Mull:PA:1997:UML,
	AUTHOR = "Muller, Pierre-Alain",
	TITLE = "Instant UML",
	PUBLISHER = "Wrox Press",
	YEAR = "1997",
	ADDRESS = "Birmingham"

(	Mull:G:1979,
	AUTHOR = "Mullery, G.",
	TITLE = "{CORE} --- {A} method for controlled requirements specification",
	BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering",
	YEAR = "1979",
	PAGES = "126--135",
	ADDRESS = "Munich, Germany",
	MONTH = sep # "~17--19",
	PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society Press"

(	Nuse:B:1994,
	AUTHOR = "Nuseibeh, B. and Kramer, J. and Finkelstein, A.C.W.",
	TITLE = "A framework for expressing the relationships between multiple views in requirements specification",
	JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering",
	YEAR = "1994",
	VOLUME = "20",
	NUMBER = "10",
	PAGES = "760--773",
	URL = "\url+<>+; \url+<ftp:/>+"

(	OMG:1999:UML,
	TITLE = "{OMG} Unified Modeling Language Specification",
	AUTHOR = "{Object Management Group}",
	ORGANIZATION = "Object Management Group, Inc.",
	EDITION = "1.3",
	MONTH = jun,
	URL = "\url+<>+",
	YEAR = "1999"

(	Pasc:RT:1995,
	AUTHOR = "Pascoe, Richard T. and Penny, John P.",
	TITLE = "Constructing interfaces between (and within) geographical information systems",
	JOURNAL = "International Journal of Geographical Information Systems",
	YEAR = "1995",
	VOLUME = "9",
	NUMBER = "3",
	PAGES = "275--291"

(	Reis:SP:1990:IEEE,
	AUTHOR = "Reiss, Steven P.",
	TITLE = "Connecting tools using message passing in the {Field} environment",
	JOURNAL = "IEEE Software",
	YEAR = "1990",
	VOLUME = "7",
	NUMBER = "7",
	PAGES = "57--66",
	MONTH = jul

(	Smit:HC:1985,
	AUTHOR = "Smith, Henry C.",
	TITLE = "Database design: {Composing} fully normalized tables from a rigorous dependency diagram",
	JOURNAL = "Communications of the ACM",
	YEAR = "1985",
	VOLUME = "28",
	NUMBER = "8",
	PAGES = "826--838"

(	Stan:N:1997:ECIS97,
	AUTHOR = "Stanger, Nigel and Pascoe, Richard",
	TITLE = "Environments for viewpoint representations",
	BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS'97)",
	YEAR = "1997",
	EDITOR = "Galliers, Robert and Carlsson, Sven and Loebbecke, Claudia and Murphy, Ciaran and Hansen, Hans and O'Callaghan, Ramon",
	VOLUME = "I",
	PAGES = "367--382",
	ADDRESS = "Cork, Ireland",
	MONTH = jun # "~19--21",
	PUBLISHER = "Cork Publishing"

(	Stan:N:1999:PhD,
	AUTHOR = "Stanger, Nigel",
	TITLE = "Using Multiple Representations Within a Viewpoint",
	SCHOOL = "University of Otago",
	TYPE = "{PhD} thesis",
	ADDRESS = "Dunedin, New Zealand",
	MONTH = nov,
	YEAR = "1999"

(	Stan:N:1999:Smith,
	AUTHOR = "Stanger, Nigel",
	TITLE = "Modifications to {Smith's} method for deriving normalised relations from a functional dependency diagram",
	INSTITUTION = "Department of Information Science, University of Otago",
	YEAR = "1999",
	TYPE = "Discussion Paper",
	NUMBER = "99/23",
	ADDRESS = "Dunedin, New Zealand",
	MONTH = dec,
	URL = "\url+<>+"

(	Stan:N:2000:dp2000-11,
	AUTHOR = "Stanger, Nigel",
	TITLE = "{Translating} descriptions of a viewpoint among different representations",
	INSTITUTION = "Department of Information Science, University of Otago",
	TYPE = "Discussion Paper",
	NUMBER = "2000/11",
	ADDRESS = "Dunedin, New Zealand",
	MONTH = may,
	URL = "\url+<>+",
	YEAR = "2000"

(	Su:SYW:1992,
	AUTHOR = "Su, S.Y.W. and Fang, S.C. and Lam, H.",
	TITLE = "An object-oriented rule-based approach to data model and schema translation",
	INSTITUTION = "University of Florida",
	YEAR = "1992",
	TYPE = "Technical report",
	NUMBER = "TR-92-015",
	ADDRESS = "Gainesville, Florida",
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Su:SYW:1993,
	AUTHOR = "Su, S.Y.W. and Fang, S.C.",
	TITLE = "A neutral semantic representation for data model and schema translation",
	INSTITUTION = "University of Florida",
	YEAR = "1993",
	TYPE = "Technical report",
	NUMBER = "TR-93-023",
	ADDRESS = "Gainesville, Florida",
	MONTH = jul,
	URL = "\url+<>+" 

(	Tsic:D:1982,
	AUTHOR = "Tsichritzis, D. and Lochovsky, F.",
	TITLE = "Data Models",
	PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall",
	YEAR = "1982"